Wednesday 15 September 2010

Youtube Strikes Again

Well, looks like youtube's has done it again, no matter what I do, all the Project Piece videos seems to be taken down.

So far, the Project Piece youtube channel still remains up, with some smaller clips still remaining, but the main Project Piece videos are taken down, AGAIN!

But at least we still have blip on our side to keep all these videos you fans so dearly love, still up to view. I plan on releasing download links (mostly likely on megauploud) if the worst should happen, but I would also like to attract as much attention to this new site as possible, so people know the Project Piece series is still around, and it's here to stay!

Monday 14 June 2010

Project 5th Piece Preview

The 5th video is in the making, click the videos below to see special previews of the upcoming Project!

Project 4th Piece

Again, with only a short amount of episodes and content to work from, this proved quite a challenge for me to do, more then Final Strike did.

When this arc was featured in the manga, I had already kind of knew I probably was going to end up parodying it, but I still remained undecided until the anime caught up.

This, is 4th Piece:

Project Three Piece: Final Strike

Once I got to this point during the making process, I had feared I would not be able to pull of the same level as I had previously done in my other videos, considering the few episode sand content I had to work with. But even then, that did not stop me, as I went on to create the 3rd and final part to 3 Piece, there by covering the entire Thriller Bark arc

Followed shortly by a set of credits for the entire Three Piece series:

I chose this song for the ending credits, because "Move your dead bones" was on of the first clips to be previewed when the Three Piece series started

Project Three Piece: Second Scream

After I made the first part of Three Piece, I always knew there would be a 2nd part to follow as I wanted to cover the whole of Thriller Bark arc. Although, at the time of making this, I was still undecided how many more episodes to cover up until, but I felt like I made the right choice in the end.

This is Part 2

Friday 11 June 2010

Project Three Piece: First Thrill

After the success of the first two videos, I had decided to make a 3rd video.

At the time, I had just gotten into the One Piece manga, which was just starting the Thriller Bark arc. Reading through it, week by week, started to give me ideas of further parodies I could do. By the time the anime caught up and started Thriller Bark and I was able to start production, I had so many ideas that I knew I could not wait until the arc ended. This is why the video was made in 3 parts

This is the first part

Project Two Piece

Shortly after Project One Piece came out, I still had so many ideas flouting around in my head. So I just had to get them out there and make a sequel

Project One Piece

The first in the series of Project Piece videos

Made back in 2007, this was the very first parody video I had made, granted there I had made trailer and AMVS before, but nothing on this scale.

The idea came to me after watching other videos in the same style, such as AMV Hell, Narutowned and Owned Piece, inspiring me to make my own series. Collecting different sources of music and video clips was not easy, plus considering I was still starting out editing (hence all the mistakes in the video), but it paid off in the end as I got many fans in the result of it.

Unfortunately, youtube has seen fit to take it down many times from it's site, but that is why it is here to you now!